Chemical Drugs:

1. More geared to relieve the symptoms.2. Sympthomatis is only to reduce his suffering alone.3. Palliative means of healing that is speculative, if appropriate disease will be cured, if not would be a dangerous poison.4. Are preferred for diseases that are acute (immediate need of help) such as acute asthma, acute diarrhea, fractures, infections and other acute.5. Fast reaction, but is destructive means weakens the body's other organs, particularly if used continuously for long periods.6. Side effects could be caused irritation of the stomach and liver, kidney damage, resulting in blood fats.

Herbal / Natural:

 1. Directed at the cause of disease and improvement of functions and organs are damaged.2. Be reconstructive or organ repair and rebuild internal organs, tissues or cells are damaged.3. Curative means to really heal because of treatment on disease causation.4. Are preferred to prevent illness, recovery chronic disease complications, and treatment of diseases that required long.5. The reaction is slow but it is constructive or repair and rebuild damaged organs.6. Virtually no side effects, provided mixed by a skilled and experienced herbalist.

CAUTION! Beware of Side Effects of Medicinal Chemistry

 You try to read the brochure or the rules of use on chemical drugs, you will find a series of side effects you may experience when taking them.But unlike the case with pure herbal medicine, you will not find any side effects when taking them. And if any, side effects are really just a process of healing because the body has received the "food" with very high levels. We all need to understand the difference between side effects with the healing process. Side effects are a reaction to the body that refuses to treatment given, and is usually caused by synthetic or chemical treatment due to which the element is considered foreign, unnatural and harmful by the body.While the healing process broadly classified into three, namely:1. Adjustment process of the body, which adjusts the body's metabolic system to take advantage of the treatment given. The reaction may appear differently in each individual, eg dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain.2. Detoxification process, which the body remove toxins or harmful substances from the body when / after receiving treatment. Reactions that may occur: cough, runny nose, fever, rashes, ulcers, a lot of sweating, frequent urination and huge.3. Regeneration process, where after receiving treatment, the cells change their body length with new cells for repair of cells, tissues or organs that have  been damaged.Reactions that may occur: pain in certain body parts, cracked skin, weakness, fever, etc.. The healing process that sometimes cause uncomfortable reactions above, must be experienced by the body so the body can experience healing.If you experience unpleasant reactions after the use of alternative medicine (including herbal therapy), and then you stop the medication is given, it might as well stop the healing process. A reaction can be said to be a side effect (body rejected the treatment given) if, after passing three days, INCREASE MORE SEVERE condition of the patient during continued treatment.Negative reactions are usually seen immediately when the patient taking drugs that are not chemically compatible with the body. So do not get used to you taking a medicine chemical (although only drug available in the shop though). A little cold, a drug. A little cough medicine.A little dizzy, a drug. Did you know? that the drugs you are taking and will eventually lead to new diseases that in fact you have never experienced such damage to the kidneys, heart, liver, causing the tumor, hypertension, intestinal damage, resulting in blindness, causing paralysis, convulsions, diarrhea, depression , pneumonia, shortness of breath, headache, and so forth.Worse yet these chemical drugs do not cure you of many diseases that you suffer, but only removes the symptom. While the disease is still residing in your body. Everyone knows that taking drugs is a dangerous chemical, while supplements can we consume every day. "Say NO to Medicinal Chemistry"

Many health practitioners advance the common people, do not know the FACT that we are increasingly routine use of chemical drugs, the more resistant (resist and immune) are AGAINST the body and disease treatment given.If chemical treatments are continued, this would result in potentially fatal damage and even death!ARV is a mainstay of the people living with HIV was also so. This simply can we learn from history or the facts around us everyday. Let your attention that a person who is accustomed to taking cold medicines (eg Sanaflu, Fludan, Inzana, etc.) whenever attacked by influenza, the  dose taken is increasing over time. This does not indicate her flu virus is more resistant, but an indication that the body more resistant.Another example, for treating diseases caused by bacterial infection, conventional medical doctors will give patients a synthetic antibiotics. Routine use of antibiotics is also still make the bacteria more resistant. Patients over time will increase the dose of antibiotic. Synthetic antibiotics that are given with the aim of turning off disease-causing bacteria was also VERY deadly bacteria that we need to be able to stay healthy. If the bacteria that cause these diseases still remain, these bacteria will also resistant to chemical treatment is given. If the patient is given antibiotics routinely synthetic, not only of bacterial resistance are going to happen, but side effects are also increasingly emerging as "beneficial bacteria" has been turned off by this antibiotic.Natural law has determined that each organism has a tendency to survive. Viruses, bacteria, fungi and other microbes have been established in the Law of Nature to be ADAPT and survive. Microbial adaptation that is how they can mutate and resistance.One feature of the Law of Nature is all microbes have been designed to ADAPT and survive from the "poison" or "attack" the synthetic (manmade). Natural Law is the next feature of all microbes have a "destroyer" in which separate natural microbes will NEVER be able to adapt and survive. Natural law is already a part of God's plan and if we are wise, we just use it.That is why all means of human nature not to eradicate the disease is always a good rejection of our own bodies (in the form of side effects) and also the diseases that we want to destroy.Another case if you are taking herbal or other natural therapies to eradicate the disease, natural remedies contain "substances of natural killer" for certain microbes. And you have to realize is a natural killer substance has been designed by God in KemahabijaksanaanNya to kill specific microbes without causing resistance.Just as the Cats are natural predators of pests rats, and mice powerless against cats, a natural ingredient in natural remedies, such as Black Seed has an amino acid, olives, honey, bee propolis has a high content of polyphenols, are very effective in combating various viruses and bacteria , with a safe and microbes are powerless to be able to "fight back" or resistant. This is a Natural Law of Allah the Most wise, which has been design in advance at the beginning of the creation of the earth.So, if you want to get the treatment that our own body and the disease will not be resistant, wear natural treatment of God's creation. God has been preparing for the enemy and mikoba natural killer-disease-causing microbes. Do you doubt the wisdom by way of dubious design and creation of God?.

Routine antiretroviral If Taken, Body and Will Remain Resistant Disease. One of the BIG LIES of conventional medical is required to take antiretroviral drugs to people living with HIV virus is not resistant. I am truly concerned with people with HIV who do not have enough knowledge about the science of health. They accept the "doctrine" is not just because they are being hit CONCERNS ARE INCREDIBLE. The feeling is what makes the people with HIV can not think rationally and not blindly accept what the conventional medical doctors without any doubt and without trying to investigate.ARVs if taken regularly, the body and the disease will remain resistant to it. If you want proof of my controversial statement, please note the course of the HIV-infected ARV users around you. Sooner or later, they increase the dose or change the type of ARV drugs that do not show symptoms of excessive opportunistic.Another case for people with HIV who refused ARVs from the very beginning, then use natural medicine regularly, they just showed a condition that MAKIN SURE IS HEALTHY (and can be proven in the lab) without having to raise the dose of medication!In addition, people with HIV need to realize is that killing the deceased was HIV drugs themselves, and not HIV! Why is this so? Because HIV itself does not exist! Just imagine, what happens if you actually just normal infected (eg,  abdominal pain, influenza, lymphadenitis, pneumonia, etc.) but given the HARD DRUG SIDE EFFECTS FULL OF DEADLY? Of course sooner or later, hard drugs that will kill you, not your disease! That's what happened with the deceased HIV-positive people on ARVs regularly!ARVs have HIV LIFETIME consumption and still NOT HEAL people with HIV, while only consumed natural treatment until they recover.So, I take it to the people living with HIV:ART AND LEAVE START TREATMENT OF NATURAL CREATION GOD BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!Medicinal Chemistry is a Destructive Nature Medicine. Imagine, what would happen if all the world's population is more than 200 000 billion, is taking chemical drugs, then throw it in the water and our land? Predictable: tons and tons of these toxic chemicals will contaminate water and soil in the world, disrupt ecosystems, damaging crops, disrupting animal life, and certainly ... we are poisoning ourselves and our children!Therefore, I would not be surprised if in the mass media often reported the existence of animals and humans are born with genetic abnormalities, weakness, frequently ill, or disabled. Things like this are also closely related to environmental pollution that affects the genetics of all living things.In my opinion, the habit is more fun than treatment chemical treatment of natural creation of God, an act which "WITHOUT CONSCIOUS 'Masterpiece degrading nature of God in creation. Allah SWT has been prepared by to the great wisdom of Allah nature to cure ANY disease exists, we are ready to use on the cheap, or even the free of charge. But the arrogance of "cleverness" of man, we are "unconscious" said to the Wise, "God, ... and made our way (the standard treatment of human and chemical drugs) are more potent than the ways and homemade (Natural Law and medicine naturally), so I prefer this chemical drugs dech ... Sorry ya Allah ... ".Manufacturers of drugs of conventional medical chemistry said, "But is not our product range as well as the natural process of nature come from?"Yes it is true of drugs derived from the conventional medical chemical nature. In fact everything that is around is from nature, such as cars, watches, radios, insecticide, cosmetics, and so forth.But the problem is really producing chemical drugs is the action of natural processes?No. The truth is destructive nature.Examples of natural treatment process is a supplement or herbal remedy. Manufacture of herbal medicines is the action of natural processes. The difference is huge because the manufacture of herbal does not damage the "draft" of God upon the material from which is used as herbal medicines. Natural elements that exist already has functions or benefits that have been defined previously and living God Almighty we are utilizing nature in accordance with the "intended" Allah Almighty for our good.Examples of natural processes in the natural treatment is Black Seed, Olives, Honey, coconut by making use of properties of Virgin Coconut Oil supplements, use of the efficacy of omega-3 in fish oil with fish oil extracts, making chlorophyll supplements, making the garlic, herbs from spice- herbs, native herbs, and so forth.As with the medicines made by man, by taking the element separation of molecules of the original molecule (which is actually a "balancing"), so that "God Almighty early draft" of the molecule is lost.Examples of destructive nature of the actual original molecules to "balance" is  the manufacture of table salt contains iodine heralded for good health turned out to be harmless salts that have been broken from the elements of the original salt. Iodized salt even shown to cause hypertension while the original sea salt that "we stay away" was created by God for a delicious flavor and good for meyembuhkan various health problems.

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Below is the question of chemical medicine and herbal medicine.Please fill in the comments!

1.What are the advantages and disadvantages of  herbal medicine?.
2.What are the advantages and disadvantages of  chemical medicine?.
3.If all people could switch to herbal medicine?why?.
4.Why humas are more dependent on chemical medicine?.
5.How about you?whether you can switch to herbal medicine?give a reason!.


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About us

Hello! let us to introduce ourselves =D
Our school in PGII(Perkumpulan Guru Islam Indonesia) 1 Senior HighSchool Bandung, Indonesia.
We are part of class x-1.
Here, we all agreed to discuss chemical medicine and herbal medicine.For what?
Because we think, have many people in the world is are more dependent on chemical medicine than herbal medicine. Therefore, we find the source and solution to this problem. We have different tasks in this problem.
So, let us to introduce ourselves and the parts of this problem =D

1, Liana Adilah Fahmuddina

My name is Liana Adilah Fahmuddina.
You can call me Liana.
I'm leader in this group.
I have a huge responbility to each member.
I divide the different tasks suit to ability to them.
Other than,i also watching every tasks that each member will do.
While for my own,serving as a blog editing.

2.Renata Nabiilah

My name is Renata Nabiilah.
Many people call me Rere.
I'm a member 1 in this group.
I served as the search solution here.
Solution that has me think, will be considered again by the leader and other members.

3.Muhammad Rizki Ubaidillah

My name M Rizki Ubaidillah.
I used to be called Ubai.
I'm a member 2 in this group.
I served as the manufacturer about the problem of chemical medicine and herbal medicine in here.

4.Helmy Taufik Arrahman

My name is Helmy Taufik Arrahman.
usually people call me Helmy.
I'm a last member in this group.
I'm served as the researching about chemical medicine and herbal medicine.

"That's about our group, Hope your like our blog! Thanks =D"

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This Movie about chemical and herbal medicine. 
Hope your like it!~

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